What is SocialMediaMarket | Lets Participate SocialMediaMarket Token Sale ( SocialMediaMarket ICO )


SocialMediaMarket ,Influence Marketing has become the faster growing marketing technique with improvement digital marketing such as social media marketing. Influencers could be Buyers themselves, Recommenders of product or service, trusted third parties such as bloggers, journalists, industry analysts, academics, or public figures. SocialmediaMarket provides an interacting platform for advertisers and influencers who uses different kinds of social media networks, such as face book, twitter, youtube etc.

Usage and the time expend in using social media grows up daily. No matter which industry your business is in. Your consumers are using social media channels and they are spending time on them. SocialMediaMarket brings all these social networks in to one place and helps you to interact with all those social networks while reducing the switching time and cost significantly. It will provide sophisticated targeting option to reach the most perfect audience.

Socialmedia.market platform provides an effective way to communicate with your target audience. Rather than just posting the advertisement you can share information with your audience and it allows you to gain valuable information on consumer’s changing requirements, required changes to your product etc.  This allows you to respond to those changes quickly and continually. With their “Customer relationship management system, Smart Contract Templates, Chat tips, Instant notifications, mobile app and massages they keep all the parties up to date.

One of the most important benefits of using Socialmedia.market is that, it is the most cost effective way to market your business. When it’s talking about other marketing methods it’s difficult for small businesses to compete with large scale businesses. Those intermediaries will charge large fee for their service. Using this affordable marketing tactic, even the small businesses with limited budget can get more results. There are no hidden costs and operation fees are very low as well this produces quick results to its users.

Socialmedia.market has introduced “Social Media Tokens” which offers a common currency to all advertisers and influencers. This system ensures high standard service and avoids unauthorized intervention of human. This token system is not restricted for paying service charges, but also supported with the decentralized dispute solution system, which generate rewards for participants in dispute solution system. As well this is not restricted to the platform. Some of the well known platforms like TenX will accept SMT for their platform services.

Socialmedia.market platform doesn’t have barriers. So, any business can easily access to the platform. No limitations occur due to complex payment policies because of Social Media Tokens. Usually don’t depend on the regional boundaries and less dependency on local regulations. So it’s possible to reach large and diversified market place. Regardless of the scale of the businesses, it allows all the participants to reach to consumers. This increases the transparency and competitiveness in the market and allow consumer to grab the best deal. With the introduction of mobile app for IOS and Android users they have allowed the users to access their platform more easily.

How do you measure the successful of your advertising campaign?

Real time data analytics and data sciences workout and determine whether your marketing actually works. By looking at real time and historical data you can see which campaigns are working and which are not. Then you can adjust your campaigns for greater success. Assume that you are going to launch a new product, and you may have being using different social media networks for past few weeks. With social media analytics, you can understand which networks are the most popular among your target audience. Then you can use this understanding in planning your future campaigns as well. Socialmedia.market has designed it’s CRM system to provide a user friendly tools to build campaigns, set guidelines, create reminders, track product shipment, review content, track posts etc.

Digital marketing analytics allows you to allocate your limited resources most efficient and effective manner. Since, there are no more requirements to pump cash flows in to your marketing activities by limiting other operating expenses. That will help you to expand your operating activities.

The main challenge that faced in advertising is to ensure whether influencer reach to the correct audience or not? Though you can succeed in to some extent with other platforms, it’s not successful as socialmedia.market. With socialmedia.market you can ensure that the right consumers are viewing your advertisement. Block chain technology will keeps track on all relevant details. This system provides the most complete data base and advanced search engine. So advertiser can set most relevant parameters. It enables you to reach those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services based on their social & behavioral characteristics.

By improving targeting, you can get more return out of less marketing budget. With this technique you don’t have to worry about incurring cost without results. Because, with proper analyzing tools and wide accessibility this platform ensures that you are reaching to the perfect audience.

As well, this block chain technology simplifies the interaction, reduce fraud and ensure the security for all the participants. One of the major problems faced by the social media users is unauthorized entries to their accounts by hacking. That affects both the parties. Socialmedia.Market applied special two way authorization procedure to ensure the credibility of influencers. Platform maintains a ranking system, which helps to determine and influencer’s efficiency, credibility and specialized areas.

Not only the advertiser, but also the influencer and grab wide range of benefits from Socialmedia.Market

The most usual issue influencer are faced with is non-payment or delay in their operating fees. In some cases though the influencer performed their duty, advertiser doesn’t get the expected quality from the influencer or influencer might not get paid. As the solution Socialmedia.Market has introduces a trusted payment system, by which the contract fee is held until all the obligations are performed. Once the obligations are performed, funds would be release. In that manner influencer can make sure that he is getting paid, if he performed properly. So he can   focus on his duty, without been worry about his fee. Socialmedia.Market will take care about that.

Sometimes we can see that the content provided by the influencer might be subjective, because of that actual results might be different from the advertiser’s expectation. Such instances are very rare as the platform keeps a reconciliation of the requirements and the compliance of content, which help to ensure the expected results. Anyhow if such a variance occurred, most of the social media platforms doesn’t involve in problem solving among the parties. But Socialmedia.Market has identified the necessity of facilitating to these dispute solving. They have developed a system which allows the parties to resolve their problems by their own. If it’s not sufficient, Socialmedia.Market has occupied experienced experts to help any of the parties.

How it works?

Socialmedia.Market is the platform which creates an interaction between Advertisers and influencers. This platform enables creation and planning of campaigns as well as communicating with influencers. Before begins advertiser must go through the verification process.

As the first step advertiser must prepare a task for influencers by considering following factors.

  • Which social media channels are to be used?
  • Campaign period
  • Budget
  • Countries or regions are to be reached
  • Target audience


All this information will be easily set up with the help of templates and smart tips provided by Socialmedia.Market.

In second step advertiser must select influencer. Advertiser can easily use platform’s data base, search engine and advance filter option to short list preferred influencers and could send the task to all selected influencers even they were unregistered in platform or else advertiser can make the campaign visible to all influencers already registered in the platform.   

In influencer point of view, if an influencer gets a notification, he should agree to the terms and conditions. Once the advertiser confirms the task, influencer must complete the required task. It’s very simple.

As you read the Socialmedia.market offers lots of benefits to both advertisers and the influencers and that will transform the results of your advertising campaign. This is the best way to reach to a large audience at once. You can easily log in to the website for more details and help.  

Check Socialmedia.market White paper : Click Here 

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by Shalanka De Mel

One Response

  1. KendrickSmall 11th December 2018

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