What is BrickBlock | Advantages of BrickBlock ICO

BrickBlock Review

Cryptocurrency is the rapidly growing investment option among the online investors. In Cryptocurrency market, investors can buy and sell native tokens of different companies. This is now not a new thing. It’s time to go beyond the token trade in Cryptocurrency market. Brickblock has taken a forward step in this market. They have opened the door to tokenized assets market.

Blockchain is a decentralized, Blockchain based smart contract platform which enables the investors to buy and sell tokenized real assets, such as property. In this platform, the seller can make an offer. Then the investor can buy asset-backed tokens with cryptocurrency. These tokens call as Proof of asset and buyer get the legal entitlement to receive the profit on this underline asset.

This platform addresses and brings the solutions for most of the weaknesses in Cryptocurrency market as well as the traditional economy. Brickblocks has suggested the following solutions for those weaknesses.
Reduces the high volatility in crypto trade

Cryptocurrencies accompany a high level of volatility due to its nature and the size. As well as Cryptocurrency market is still in its initial stage. So no sufficient traders are available in this market and risk mitigation options are lees compared to the traditional market. Brickblock has connected real-world assets such as properties, managed funds with
cryptocurrencies. As a result, Cryptocurrencies have been baked with the intrinsic value of the property. It reduces the investor’s risk and reduces the value movements.

Eliminate the counterparty risk

Traditional settlement transactions take two, three days to proceed. But the Blockchain technology attached with Brickblocks ensures that the fund transfers have occurred at the same time of the transaction. As a result default/ counterparty risk get eliminated.

Reduces the cost and complexities in the traditional market

Traditional financial market consists of broker fees, account maintenance fees, commission fees etc. Decentralized, Blockchain based this platform eliminate the requirement of intermediaries and brokers. So, no need to worry about cost and complexity anymore.

Override traditional market barriers

Brickblock eliminates all the geographical barriers and enable investors to access global, mass scale market.
Brickblock has introduced following three types of BBK tokens as the mediator in their platform which is backed by ERC20 network.

Brickblock tokens

Brickblock Token Details

These tokens will only be issued during the ICO period and these are exchangeable for ETH and Bitcoin. These tokens can be saved in a special smart contract which enables the holder to earn bonus token until the tokens are withdrawn.

Access Tokens

These are the tokens which enable the Brokers and fund managers to access to Blockchain platform and to pay the fees. These tokens are tradable in open market.

Proof-of-assets tokens

As explained in advantages Brickblock will issue POA tokens as a proof for every investment. All the times this type of tokens represents a real-world asset.

Brickblock ICO

The final stage of ICO will be started on 9th May 2018. Early registered investors would be entitled for a bonus starting from 5%. The team expects to distribute 500,000,000 BBK tokens, out of which 75,500,000will be available for sale. Token price has been fixed at USD0.60.

Road Map

Brickblock RoadMap

Brickblock Team

and 22 Core Member’s and 7 Advisory Member’s

Brickblock Partner’s

Brickblock Partners

Brickblocks invite you to participate in ICO and be the witnesses of Cryptocurrency revolution.

? Website: https://www.brickblock.io
? Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAERj-_1p8AktrkESlQ
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? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brickblock.io/
Ⓜ️ Blog: https://blog.brickblock.io/?_ga=2.12613687.1299581861.1518004356-2032467665.1515675497
? BitcoinTalk (ANN): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3345519.0

Post by Anton De Mel
bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1770640

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