What is Blockport | Main Advantages of Blockport ICO


Cryptocurrency has become the most concerning concept among the online investors. But it involves few issues.

  • Liquidity

Cryptocurrency is a new concept. So there are no enough investors are trading Cryptocurrencies. Because of that not enough buying and selling transactions occur. It reduces the speed of trading.

  • Security

Crypto space is a centralized network in trading. So the system could be hacked.

  • Transparency

There may be hidden costs, broker commissions etc.

  • Usability

Existing user interface has been developed for professional traders.

  • Education

In current condition there is no proper education or knowledge sharing facilities on cryptocurrency trading. That makes complexities for the beginners.  

Blockport has been introduced with the mission to resolve the above five issues. The team works to develop a user friendly, hybrid- decentralized platform which is connected with social trading networks to help investors in trading crypto assets. Few of the benefits that the users can enjoy are;

  • It’s the simplest way of trading Cryptocurrencies. No prior knowledge required. You can easily buy and sell Cryptocurrencies using your mastercard.
  • The platform is connected to different Cryptocurrency platforms. Therefore investors can quickly and efficiently shift among the different platforms.
  • It allows you to keep your funds in personal wallet. That means the platform offers you a private key. So they grant a higher security level.
  • Blckport is not just a trading platform. The platform is being designing as a knowledge sharing platform. Beginners can learn from professional traders.  

Blockport team works with a big dream for develop a sophisticated decentralized platform for Crypto Space. In their way they have mapped their stations as follows.

  • Launching  pre sale and crowd sale in January 2018
  • Release the full Blockport 1.0 and 2.0 Beta versions. Then the investors would be able to test the features in platform.
  • Release of Blockport 3.0 Beta version. Which would be supported 100 Cryptocurrencies.

Blockport has introduced their own token system call BPT to use in Blockport. They plan to distribute 69,440,000 BPTs. It would be distributed as follows.

  • 71.4% for participants.
  • 14.3% for Block port team, advisors and early seed investors.
  • 10% would be allocated in Blockport token shop.
  • 4.3% for 3rd parties and bounty program.

Collected fund would be allocated for future developments in this way.

  • 50% would be deposited to trading reserve.
  • 14.25 would be allocated for development.
  • 10.4% for operations.
  • 16.2% for marketing & 9.2% for legal purposes.  

Blockport management team is comprised with highly qualified and experienced professionals in legal, financial, technology, online communication and institutional trading.  Following is a small explanation on few of the team members. Please visit their website or see the white paper for more details.

Sebastiaan Lichter – Founder

Sebastiaan is an IT specialist and degree holder who is having diversified range of experiences in IT, project management etc.

Kai Bennink- Founder

Kai is also an IT specialist and he possesses a BSc degree in technology. He has started his career in 2010 and has worked for world famous companies.

Otherthan that team consist of talented, young professionals specialized in different areas.

Blockport has partnered with Osborne Clarke, Deloitte, Luminum Solutions, Arc etc. to achieve their mission.

More Details of Bloclport Token sale  : Click Here 

Read the Blockport White Paper : Click Here  

Post by Anton De Mel

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