What is Youtoken | Advantages of YouToken Platform and Youtoken ICO

What is YoutokenYoutoken is a blockchain based crowdfunding platform that converts human intelligent into a financial asset. This platform connects investors and entrepreneurs through cryptocurrencies. Entrepreneurs can sell themselves and their ideas while investors can buy those ideas in this marketplace. Investors get the opportunity to invest in talented entrepreneurs at their early stage.

To some extent, this platform is similar to the stock market. Each registered entrepreneur is assigned with creator tokens. Investors who need to invest in any idea/project are allowed to purchase those creator token. If any entrepreneur gets more demand his token prices grow up. It will generate profits for both entrepreneur and the investor.

Youtoken generates following competitive advantages over their competitors.

  • Global audience – Investors and the entrepreneurs get the access to a wide global potential audience and advisors.  
  • Simplicity – Entrepreneur can start a business just having a clear business idea. The platform will provide all the other requirements including legal and financial advisors.
  • Low cost – YouToken doesn’t charge huge commission from the users
  • No restrictions on funding – This is a new way of P2P funding, which challenges traditional banking. Token holders get access to cash flaws without any paperwork or collaterals. Meanwhile, investors can earn great interest rate.
  • Easy to access – Entrepreneur or investor can easily access the platform providing an email address and password. Then the entrepreneur will be asked to provide some personal information to build up the profile. Once get registered creator can upload idea/project to the platform. Then creator can start crowdsale or verify the idea. Once the verification is done creator can submit the project on the platform. Then the platform will issue the smart contract and YTN tokens to carry on the project.
  • Different funding options – Funds will be granted by way of donation, debt, revenue share or as equity. Debt and revenue share options will accompany a fixed return while equity accompanies a fluctuating return and donations don’t attract any return at all.

YouToken uses YTN token as their legal currency within the platform. It enables the interaction between entrepreneurs and the investors. The pre-token sale will be started on 16th March 2018 and it will be closed on 1st April 2018. The main token sale is planned to open on May. 1 Billion Tokens will be issued in total. Out of that 35% will be made available for public sales.

Once the fund collection completed platform beta version will be issued and the team expects to launch the platform before the September 2018.

The management team is comprised of highly qualified and experienced professionals in IT, legal, financial, technology, online trading, and marketing. Following is a brief explanation of the founders. Please visit their website or see the white paper for more details.

  • Ilya Volkov – Co-founder and CEO

Ilya has graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and he possesses years of experiences in different top management positions.

  • Viacheslav Taran – Co-founder

Taran serves as a partner of FXC-QCP VC and he is a Co-founder of the Forex Club Group. He is also a founder of Quadro Capital partners.

YouToken has partnered with Libertex, Forex Club Group, AlphaOmega, Investory and Cekura.dk to create the world’s effective crowdfunding platform.  

For More Information About YouToken: Official Website

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Read YouToken Whitepaper: Click Here

ANN Bitcointalk:  Click Here 

YouToken Bounty: Click Here

Post by Anton De Mel ( BitcoinTalk Profile )

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