What is Retail-Global | Advantages of Retail-Global ICO

Retail Global Review

Rapid expansion in E-commerce has opened a door for the offline retail community to shift from offline to online. Though they shifted to online trade we can see that they face a different kind of difficulties which created barriers to the growth of E-commerce. Some of them are;

  • Lack of competence – Offline retailers don’t have sufficient technical knowledge to move with rapid technological changes and they don’t have enough knowledge to grab maximum benefits from online trade or knowledge to utilize e-commerce effectively.
  • Logistics issues – Online logistics system is very different from offline retail logistics. Supply chain management between warehouses and stores, delivery to the customer and return handling is very complex.
  • Geographical and social differences – Online trade removes the geographical barriers. But still, different countries have different languages, legal systems, cultural behaviors etc. Retailers must have enough knowledge and experience to grab opportunities out of those differences.

Retail-global has addressed this problem and they have developed a futuristic, comprehensive solution to overcome those barriers. Accordingly, Retail.global is a Blockchain based business ecosystem which is backed by cryptocurrency. An ecosystem consists of Business users, product suppliers, service providers, retail and marketing startups and loyalty reward partners. Retail.global introduces the following benefits to ecosystem participants.

  • Unite solution in one system– The system contains 6 modules specifically Online shop, Supply chain, Global commerce, Loyalty incentives programs, Analytics & managing as well as Omnichannel business. Each module is specified with specific tasks. So the individuals obtain a total set of tools which has actually whatever should finish an efficient online trade purchase.
  • Retail.globle opens a new, global marketplace to local players.  Professional in RG service marketplace will assist with advertising and promotions.
  • Allow users to create tokenized loyalty systems which automate rewarding buyers and ecosystem transactions.
  • Blockchain technology facilitates RG ecosystem to generate all kind of analytics required in e-commerce.
  • Token enables the platform to enter into smart contracts that solves the problem of trust among the participants.

Retail-global uses RG Tokens as their official currency within the platform. These tokens are used as the payment method within the platform. On the platform, shops can create branded shop tokens which can be used in loyalty reward programs. 40.5 Million Tokens are to be distributed among the participants as follows.

  • 60% through token sales
  • 5% through referral programs
  • 15% is to be distributed among the team
  • 10% among the advisors
  • Remaining 10% would be reserved for future users.

The funds collecting through the tokens sales would be utilized to the ecosystem as follows.

  • 36% for marketing
  • 23% for Infrastructure development
  • 32% to ensure smooth flow of operations
  • 8% for venture funding

Reatil-global concept was born in 2007. Now they have 10 years experiences in the industry. The platform is already used by more than 10 enterprises including Pro skater, DROP, Boardrider, Glance, and Just-coffee. The corporate offices are opened in London, Moscow, Tokyo, Seoul, Paris, New Delhi, Hanoi and Hong Kong. Now the platform is ready to go global and has lined up the following milestones to be achieved in next two years.


  • Launching ICO and releasing the Beta version of the platform for the Russian market.
  • Releasing platform to the German market
  • Releasing reward token system


  • Releasing platform to Spain, Italy & France
  • Releasing to China & India

The management team comprises highly qualified and experienced professionals in legal, financial, technology, online communication, and e-commerce.  Following is a brief explanation of the founding member.

Retail Global Team

Zhdankin Pavel – CEO & Founder

Zhdankin is an expert in E-commerce and possesses more than ten years of experience in the industry. He is the founder of Pro-online, Proskater.ru, and Brands.

For More Details About Retail-Global Team and ICO:
Official Website: https://retail.global
Whitepaper: https://files.retail.global/RetailGlobal-Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/retailglobal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RetailGlobalNow
Medium: https://medium.com/retail-global-ecosystem


Post By Anton De Mel
Bountyhive Username: cryptolion
Bountyhive Link : https://bountyhive.io/r/cryptolion


One Response

  1. Planet7nodeposit 11th December 2018

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