What is LuckBox | Advantages of LuckBox Crowd Sale and LuckBox ICO

What is LuckBox

E-sporting is a rapidly growing sector globally.   With regard to gambling, it is not that much famous in e-sporting. Even though there are few gambling platforms *available they are not properly regulated. This unsecured environment restricts the entry. So there is a big opportunity *a for legal gambling platform. Luckbox founders have been identified this gap properly. Luckbox is a fully regulated gambling platform where players engage with fellow e-sport fans and their favorite games in a secure environment. Luckbox allows players to bet, discuss and watch their favorite games and events.

They have differentiated themselves from others in following ways.

  • The team dedicated to making e-sports fans feel at home.
  • Players and fans get the access to wide variety of games and events
  • The highest level of player protection
  • Accessible in app stores. Available on desktop, mobile, and tablet
  • Fully legal and compliant
  • Development and e-sports training academy
  • Operated by a skilled and experienced team  
  • Dual token structure    
  • Use data sciences, decision theory, and AI
  • Advance gamification systems which catered towards the sports audience
  • Access to exclusive videos, interviews, and analysis
  • Contributors are secured with a proven business model with a stable revenue stream, led by gambling and regulatory experts.  

Lockbox will accept real money, in-game items and digital currency as the payment methods. *As well they have introduced own token economy for the visitors. Luckbox has introduced two types of tokens.

  1. LuckCash – Luckcash offers distinctive benefits in the token sale and after the launch. These token holders can enjoy various benefits including attaining rewards faster and making purchases in VIP store.
  2. LuckProfit – the Qualified investor would be able to purchase Luckprofit tokens at 1:1 rate after the launch. All the LuckProfit holders get entitle for 20% profit share.

Luckbox crowd sale will be open on 23rd February 2018 at 3 pm GTM. Total no of tokens and token price would be announced on lock date. Anyhow Luckbox wishes to distribute tokens among the different stakeholders in following fractions.  

  • 27% of strategic investors
  • 34% of crowd sale
  • 3% each for team, advisors, and influencers
  • 20% of player adoptions and marketing
  • Remaining 10% would be kept in a reserve

Luckbox has deployed a talented, expert and well-experienced team to achieve their vision. Following is a small description on very few of them. For more details please visit http://luckbox.com

Lars Lien – Co-founder

Lars possesses many years of management experience in gambling, digital currencies, and gaming.

Mike Stevens – Co-founder

Mike is a professional poker player, crypto trader, and investor. He was the PokerStars poker and game integrity manager.

Archie Watt – CFO

Archie Watt is a chartered accountant. He was the head of e-gaming at KPMG.

David Sargeant, Vadim Soloveychik, Onur Bildik, Steven Grove, Frank Pages work as the Advisors for the platform.

The team works to make the Luckbox the most successful online gaming platform which offers an unbelievable experience for worldwide e-game players and fans.    

For More Details About LuckBox: Luck Box Official Website

Read LuckBox White Paper : Click Here 

Post By Anton De Mel



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