What is Sapien | Advantages of SPN Token Sale and There Project

What is Sapien

The Sapien is a blockchain based, decentralized social news platform powered by Ethereum ecosystem. This platform rewards its users without the intervention of any third party. The platform has been developed on following core values.

  • Democracy – Users get the final choice over their community and incentivized to contribute.
  • Privacy – Highly concern about user’s data privacy
  • Free Speech –
  • Customizability – Each user would be able to create an own format.  

Sapien users can be experienced lots of advanced features including;

  • Public/ private browsing – Users can seamlessly switch between private and public modes with the real identity or anonymously.
  • Subscriptions – Users can subscribe to branches which allow the users to stay up to date with latest posts.
  • Users can add friends, create groups, write comments and share posts.
  • Rich chat – Sapien’s text and voice channels provides a dynamic user experience.
  • Encryption – Sapien protects all the personal data and offers encrypted chat conversations.
  • Highly customizable – User can control all the features and can be experienced unique social media.

Sapien is powered by their utility coins, SPN. Their pre-sale was opened on 31st January 2018 and will be closed on 15th February 2018. Crowdsale will be started on 3rd March 2018 and it will be kept open until 3rd April 2018. They expect to distribute 500,000,000 tokens out of which 45% would be sold to general public, 20% would be reserved for the team, 5% would be allocated for bounty programs and remaining 30% would be reserved for token sale phase 2.

The funds collecting through the ICOs would be distributed for following activities.

  • 55% for development of the platform
  • 15% for ensuring day to day operations and administration
  • 15% to improve the awareness about the platform
  • 10% of audit functions
  • 5% would be allocated to ensure compliance requirements

Sapien concept was born in 2015. Until now they have done lots of developments to bring Sapien to the expected level. Now they have lined up their plan till 2020. Few significant milestones are as follows.


  • 1st quarter – Token sale and implement payouts for creators and stakeholders
  • 4th Quarter – Increase brand awareness and acquire 10k new users per month


  • 1st quarter – Built infrastructure for the platform
  • 3rd quarter – Open developer platform to third-party applications and integrations


  • 2nd quarter – Tokenize the transactions within the platform and extend token use to other websites

Sapien management team is comprised of highly qualified and experienced professionals in IT, legal, financial, technology, online communication, and marketing.  Following is a small explanation of few of the team members. Please visit their website or see the white paper for more details.

Ankit Bhatia – CEO & Co-Founder

Ankit studied electrical & computer science at University California, Berkeley. He worked for Wind River, Dell EMC, and DiscoverRx.

Robert Giometti – CPO & Co-Founder

Robert is an expert in electrical engineering and computer science. He did his studies at the University of California.  

  They work with the expectation to develop a sustainable business model for token holders, platform users, and all stakeholders.

More Details About SPN Token Sale: Sapien Official Website

Sapien Whitepaper : Click Here 

Post by Anton De Mel

BitcoinTalk Profile

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