What is ArcBlock | Advantages of ARC Tokens and ArcBlock ICO


ArcBlock is a 3.0 generation platform and ecosystem for building and developing decentralized blockchain applications.

ArcBlock compete with Enterprise Operating System (EOS). But the main different of ArcBlock with other blockchain platforms is that ArcBlock try to develop a platform to cooperate existing blockchains including Ethereum, Hyperledger and so on., instead of developing new blockchain.

Blockchain technology initially introduced in 1991 and the technology is still in the early stage. Because of that reason several problems are still exist with this technology.

  • Poor Performance

A consumer application must be able to handle millions of active users on a daily basis. But the most existing has no ability match such user base.

  • Non Consumer Friendly

Most of the applications require users to either run a blockchain node or install a “light note”. This discourages the usage among general public.

  • High Cost

Usage of blockchain application is extreme costly for its users.

  • Platform Lock-In

Developers have to decide which blockchain to support, then implement platform – specific code that makes its very difficult to switch among different blockchains. Some applications might require installing other applications to provide best user experience.

  • Lack of features

Most blockchain platforms don’t provide rich features as people expects, as well don’t have a mechanism to encourage community to bring resources.

Arcblock solves these fundamental problems through its new design. Rather than a stand along software packages, ArcBlock is a comprehensive solution that combines blockchain technology with cloud computing which increases performance and reduces the operating cost. This design principal makes ArcBlock fundamentally different from other blockchain platforms.  

ArcBlock is an incentive-driven marketplace which provides not only computing resources but also reusable services, components, new components and new applications. Users can contribute resources in to the system and will be rewarded with token for their resources. ArcBlock initiative don’t expect to keep the platform as their own property, they expect to develop the platform with the involvement of its users. That means users can add value by bringing new resources to the platform.

ArcBlock offers a reactive, real time experience, where the user can simply access in to the system using web browser or by directly downloading the mobile app.

ArcBlock is an open chain access protocol which eliminates the platform lock in issue and make easy to implement. That means ArckBlock don’t ask to implement platform – specific code. That makes easy to switch between the platforms.

In addition to solving the general issues exist with isolated blockchain platforms Arcblock has lot of advantages.

ArcBlock has developed the system with Blocklet components. Blocklet communicates among blockchains through ArcBlock’s Open Chain Access Protocol. Most of ArcBlock features are implemented with Blocklet components. Blocklet support the system to run fast.

ArcBlock has created own token economy with ARC token.

ArcBlock has launched its ICO and campaigns with the purpose of distributing 186 Millian tokens. Out of this 186 Mn they expect to sale 45% to general public. The public sale event would be started on 10th February 2018. Remaining 55% will be allocated as   follows.

32% will be allocated as community rewards for the Miners who brings resources in to the platform

15% will be allocated for the ArcBlock team to value their dedication to build up the platform

Remaining 8% will be allocated among marketing and partner supporters.

Special bounty and affiliate campaigns are designed with easier interface and advanced dashboard. The registered persons can earn free tokens by sharing ArcBlock posts in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or posting their ideas in blogs etc.

ArcBlock is still in its initiation stage. With implementation of the concept in 2017 founders have introduce an new era in Blockchain technology. Here is the 5 years plan to expand ArcBlock throughout Blockchain community.


  • Launch first decentralized apps built in ArcBlock with selected clients.
  • Launch Open Chain Access Protocol and reference implementation for major blockchains ( Ethereum, Hyperledger etc)


  • Public launch and popularation among the general public.
  • First developer conference for ArcBlock developers and partners.
  • Launch the support and Blocklet Building Blocks for digital media, publishing, and knowledge sharing.
  • Design & implement support for IoT blockchain applications. (Support MQTT protocols and AWS IoT service. Consider supporting IOTA as a blockchain underlayer)
  • Build the decentralized market place for ArcBlock decentralized marketplace for ArcBlock decentralized applications and their tokens.



  • Public launch for IoT smart home & smart city application support.
  • Contribute Open Chain Access Protocol and related technology to the open source community (through the Linux foundation, Hyperledger Foundation or a similar organization) to increase adoption & position ArcBlock as the de facto standard of open chain access.
  • Extend cloud computing support for the ArcBlock platform, targeting support for all major cloud platforms including AWS, Windows Azure, Google Computing Engine, Aliyun, Tencent Yun, etc. ArcBlock is aiming for a cloud platform-independent, universal and decentralized application platform,


  • Embrace the potential trend that blockchain protocols may be adopted at the OS(Operating System) level by providing foundational OS-level support in the ArcBlock platform.
  • Build the tocken Eco system and a new operating system with ArcBlock platform partners and developers for a truly decentralized, autonomous business environment.


  • ArcBlock becomes an open, foundational service of the new programmable society, supporting the DAO/DAC and their services/applications.



ArcBlock has deployed a competitive team and advisors. If we talk about the team we can’t ignore following personalities.

  • Robert Mao – Founder, Chief Architect

Robert Mao is a highly qualified person in computer science and management. He possesses diversified experience profile in his profession. He is the core founder TinderSoft Co.Ltd, LodeSoft Corp, www.Uuzone.com, etc.

  • Flavien Charlon – Chief Scientist

Charlon is an expert in Engineering, Mathematics & Physics. He was the founder & CEO of Coinprism & Predictious & Software Engineer for Microsoft & Eden Games.

  • Jean Chen – VP Marketing & Public Relationship

He was a senior consultant & Senior Account Manager for Shunya Total Communication Group and was an expert in public relationship management.

Joe Wallin is the legal counselor for the company. He is an expert in Econimics, Law and Taxation.

Other than that ArcBlock has deployed well qualified young team of advisors.

They are having very strong partnership with following members Linux Foundation, Hyperledger, Cybermiles, IEE, Blockchain Community Group, IBM, SAP are the initial members of ArtBlock platform.

Read The ArcBlock Whitepaper 

Participate The ArcBlock Public Sale 

Post By Anton De Mel

Bitcointalk Profile

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