What is HTC Cash? HTC Tokens Benefits

What is HTC Cash

What is HTC Cash?


Huobi Token (HT) is the central asset of the Huobi Ecological Chain (HECO) and, with the ongoing growth of the HECO ecosystem, a digital asset connected to HT would eventually be required to satisfy the increasing demand for transactions. 

On the one hand, the contract is performed by HECO. Compared to the high GAS charge on the ETH chain, the HECO transaction fee is smaller and the pace is higher. On the other side, digital assets indexed to the US dollar and gold will lose value with anchor inflation, and the overall sum of HT is stable, but there is no issue with depreciation.

Huobi Propose


Huobi is a coin platform based in Seychelles. Huobi has been a world pioneer in crypto trading for years. With outstanding protection, customer service, asset lists, and trading fees, Huobi is a fantastic choice for any serious crypto dealer. 

HT ANCHOR CASH, which is attached to HT and is an enhanced version of the Base Protocol. The main improvement is as follows: 

  • The market feed system is focused on the 12-hour weighted average price of the HT-HTC trading pair on a distributed exchange rate to reduce the chance of manipulating the price; 
  • Rebase time is changed once every 12 hours at 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. SGT, in both; 
  • The extra release of many tokens for each rebase duration is changed to 95 percent of the cumulative allocation of each rebase, and the remaining 5 percent to the treasury instead of the initial 100 percent to the Base Protocol. The improvement here will render the treasury more efficient and compulsively redemption HTB Bonds, and if the price of HTC ( HTC Cash ) is lower than 1 HT, it would better allow users to swap bonds and retain liquidity. 
  • The purchase price of stablecoins during a certain timeline is 1.1 HT (not the initial 1.05) and further issuance would be rendered to improve the reliability of the further issuance rate; 
  • Extend stablecoin mining period, help further HRC20 currency mining, and create consensus.

HTC Tokens

HTC Cash Token Distribution


HTC ( HTC Cash ) has no pre-mining, it’s a decent delivery. HT ANCHOR CASH releases 11 initial mining pools. The cumulative stock of HTC amounts to 11,000. It is equally allocated to each bitcoin network as an incentive. Every mining pool will mine 1,000 HTC for 10 days, and every mining pool generates 100 HTC each day. 

HTS delivery will begin directly after HTC begins to deliver a total of 2,100,001, of which 5 percent will be distributed to DAO and new investors, even this part would be used for promotion and consolidated exchange listing, this portion will be accessible in proportion to mining production, not pre-mining. Two million HTS are mined and distributed to four mining pools:

  • HTS-HT-LP mining pool: 250,000 HTS
  • HTC-HUSD-LP mining pool: 750,000 HTS
  • HTC-HT-LP mining pool: 750,000 HTS
  • HTS-HUSD-LP mining pool: 250,000 HTS



Key Points to Take


The main point of the design strategy is to move the price relation between HTC and HT closer and to add arbitration space: 

As when the exchange ratio of HT to HUSD rises, the value of the HTC-HUSD trading pair in the cryptocurrency platform may tend to be poor in the short term. Users may opt to purchase HTC with HUSD and offer HTC/HT to earn a profit. 

As the HT-HUSD exchange rate declines, the HTC-HUSD trading pair would have a strong short-term bid. Users may opt to purchase HTC with HT in the HTC-HT trading pair and exchange HTC/HUSD to generate a profit.

Summary: The introduction of HT ANCHOR CASH on HECO is a big acknowledgment of HECO’s leading role in the DeFi sector. Here, they welcome any investor and consumer in Huobi, HECO, and other DeFi ecosystems to engage in the extraction and management of HT ANCHOR CASH. They would certainly be a pivotal player in the DeFi and HECO ecosystems.

For More Details About HTC Cash :


Website: https://www.htc.cash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HtcCashofficial
Telegram Group: https://t.me/HTC_CASH
GITHUB: https://github.com/HT-ANCHOR-CASH
GITBOOK: : https://htanchorcash.gitbook.io/htc

#HTCCASH #HTC #DEFI #HECO #HuobiEcochain

Article by Anton De Mel

Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1527292
AUTH: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5308826.msg56124146#msg56124146
HECO: 0x7c3ff683f0ef2f4348c3078ef51d347784d7a864

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