How to get bitcoins?-A simple and practical guide about everything you need to know!


how to get bitcoins

how to get bitcoins

With the technological advancements in the world and the continuous journey towards a digital arena, many of the things in the world are changing. We could even say that many things are taking a digital format while basically adapting to the twenty-first century. Well, what about the currency that we use? Have you ever wondered what it will be like to stop using those notes and coins? Well, the future is already here actually, and if you never knew you sure do have a lot to catch-up. In this article, we shall introduce you on the topic of how to get Bitcoins, which is the most famous cryptocurrency unit in the world.

We shall tell you on how to get Bitcoins for free, and many other important facts that you need to know to get started with it.

This digital cryptocurrency unit is the game-changer in the current world, and it is definitely worth to get started with them. But just because it is important to start Bitcoin mining, you cannot simply jump into it. You need to know A – Z of what it is and how it works in order to make a safe financial journey in the digital dimension.

Therefore, this article will be a guide to not only those who know about what it is but also to those who want to know what it is.

So, enough of the talking and we shall directly get started with the discussion about this important topic at hand.

how does bitcoin work

how does bitcoin work


What is bitcoin and how does it work?

Well, however, let us start from a brief discussion on what is Bitcoin? This shall be an introduction to all those who know and does not know what it is.

A Bitcoin is nothing but a computer file. These files are stored in a digital wallet that is stored in the computer or smartphone. These files are normally kept in a Bitcoin app, which you have to purchase, or can even get for free – if you know the correct way. These were first found in the year of 2009 and now it marks its tenth – year anniversary while functioning as an important aspect of economic and financial growth in the world.

You can use Bitcoins to make transactions in many ways. You can pay others with the Bitcoins and they can in return pay you with them. These are just as similar to the daily transactions that you do in the market.

Bitcoin transfer

Bitcoin transfer

Highlights of Bitcoin transfer…

Each and every transfer of this currency is marked and recorded in a public record list that is known as Blockchain. Since this is a public list, no one can fake or use copied versions. You are also limited to the use of your own Bitcoins and are kept away from those that are owned by the others. There is a public record of how much you have earned and how much you have spent; therefore there can be no misunderstandings on this regard. This also avoids the illegal actions that may be done using them.

Therefore, it can be stated that this is a very safe and very reliable method of paying that does not include bills and coins but a digital currency.

You should also keep in mind that there have been instances when people mistakenly deleted their wallets or lost them forever. There have also been thefts that were reported to be done by the websites who claim to provide you a temporary wallet.

How to get bitcoins?

Well, if you were to search for the value of Bitcoins in normal currency, or US dollars – you will be definitely amazed. Yes, they are worth about ten thousand USD. This is an extremely high value and it is hence almost impossible for a person to buy Bitcoins.

There are three basic methods that are commonly known as the easiest ways to get Bitcoins.

  1. You can buy them in exchange for real money.
  2. It is possible to get them for free by selling products on various websites.
  3. You can also create them using your computer.

Since people are actually willing to pay with Bitcoins and people are willing to accept it as a source of currency, these crypto units have an actual value.

However, there is not a single person in the world that is going to offer you and allow you to use their Bitcoin wallet downloaded. The simple statement which says there is no free meal in the world is applicable when it comes to earning these currency units too.

Well, digital or not – they have a value in the market and you definitely cannot go around begging for them.

earn bitcoins

earn bitcoins

How do you earn Bitcoins?

Earning Bitcoins is a thing that is not as easy as it sounds. But on the other hand, it is actually filled with its own benefits – so it is going to be worth the time and effort that you put to it.

If you were thinking about methods to earn Bitcoins here are a few ways;

  1. You can earn Bitcoins by accepting them as a mode of payment.
  2. Earn them by Bitcoin mining which is actually the most famous method of earning them (we shall discuss it later in this article).
  3. You can even earn them as a regular source of income by working hard.
  4. Earn Bitcoins through trading.
  5. Earn them through gambling – well would not promote it because it is definitely not suitable for everyone.

Given above is a set of methods that you can use to earn Bitcoins. If you were wondering how to get Bitcoins fast, you will need a much clearer picture of the procedure than a simple statement.

Hence given below is what you are looking for.

–        Accepting them as a mean of payment;

This is the best and the easiest way to get Bitcoins. You do not have to spend a lot of time dedicated just to this task because when you accept it as a mode of payment in your business you are simply working in your business while earning Bitcoins.

No matter how good your business is you should definitely complete the following tasks in order to get it done.

  1. First of all, get a Bitcoin wallet. Where will all those Bitcoins go when your customers pay?
  2. Display the QR code for your Bitcoin wallet in the cash register.

iii.      Hang or display a sign that says, well, Bitcoins accepted here.

–        Mining;

This is the method by which you will be creating new Bitcoins. It is a somewhat difficult method but yet a completely successful and a legal one as well.

It is however costly and time-consuming and will need a lot of dedication and time in order to get done. We shall discuss this in a later part of this article.

–        Earning as a regular source of income

This is another method that can be considered as a definite income. Here, you can accept your monthly paycheck in terms of Bitcoins.

There are special jobs on the internet that pays you in this way. These job offers are found on various websites on the internet. Bit Gigs, Reddit, and many other websites have them listed.

–        Trading;

It is true that trading assets will get you through the earning method of Bitcoins.

Trading is a more complex concept than you think it might be. In simple words, you will be buying an asset from one place and selling it to a much higher price in a second place. The profit that you get is the difference between the two values.

If you have some Bitcoins you can directly start trading using them, but if you are new, you can actually buy it from normal currency and sell it for Bitcoins.

–        Gambling

There are many Bitcoin gambling websites on the internet and though it is not a very impressive method it helps you earn them.

But keep in mind that earning anything through gambling is not as simple or easy as you think. You do not have to go to this method.

These have been methods that you can earn Bitcoins. You can also get them for free – if you know-how.

There is a much easier yet costlier way which involves you paying for them to another person.

Both of these methods shall be discussed in this article. So have no worries if none of the above methods suit your requirement.

How do you get Bitcoins for free

How do you get Bitcoins for free

How do you get Bitcoins for free?

Getting anything for free in the twenty-first century is simply impossible. But there are ways that you can use to get Bitcoins for free and all you have to do is know the correct method.

There are not many methods that will genuinely get you to free Bitcoins. We shall bring you the existing ones that you can trust so that there will be no hard paths while you actually try to get it done.

  1. Get yourself to some reputable Bitcoin faucets – well many of the sites that claim to offer you it for free are scams. But if you were to find some reputed sites, you are actually in a gold mine.
  2. Go shopping for Bitcoins. This is definitely not the shopping where you pay to get them. We are talking about reward programs that are available on the internet. Reward programs for cryptocurrencies are a better way to get them for free.
  3. There are websites like that pay you Bitcoins for reading books. Therefore, it is a better deal if you are a good book lover.
  4. There is a newer way of getting Bitcoins by installing apps in your devices. These are available as payment methods for test applications on phones and tablets.

How to get a Bitcoin wallet

How to get a Bitcoin wallet?

The first and foremost step of using Bitcoins in the world is obtaining a Bitcoin wallet. For this, you will have to trust a very reliable source.

There are actually four types of wallets available in the market which is, phone-based, tablet-based, laptop-based and personal computer-based.

You can decide on what wallet suits the most of your requirements and get it. These types are all made for the convenience of the user and hence, it is important that you understand what you are going to do and how you are going to use the wallet.

You can get an application for your phone or a payment planner in your computer – It is all up to you.

These Bitcoin wallets are free and if you have been wondering on how to get one of them you can simply connect to the official website of Bitcoins. You will be asked a few questions in order to clarify your requirement and then you can get your own wallet.

Once you get a wallet you have to make an account in it, and you will become a Bitcoin user in no time.

100% Safest Bitcoin Hardware Wallet is Ledger Wallet 

Can you buy Bitcoins at Walmart?

If your question was “can you buy Bitcoins”, well the answer is a definite YES. But do you know how to buy Bitcoin?

When purchasing literally anything from anyone in the world, you should have a trust built upon the seller as well as the item that you are receiving. You cannot just go off and buy just because you think they are genuine.

Hence, we are here to guide you through the most trusted methods when it comes to buying Bitcoins. Are they available in the simple online markets to be purchased? Or are there special markets that have been especially dedicated to those who are buying and selling these cryptocurrency units? Is it even legal to sell them?

The answers to all these questions lie below. So, read on…

When it comes to buying things there are many websites that are popular for it. The internet has become the most crowded market place at present.

Hence it is undoubtedly the best place to buy Bitcoins as well. There are websites that allow you to purchase Bitcoins on the internet.

But first, you have to have a Bitcoin wallet. Then after setting up the account you can find a cryptocurrency exchange place (a market where crypto units are sold).

If you were wondering on how to get Bitcoins with PayPal it definitely is a simple task. You can transfer the money in your PayPal account and buy Bitcoins.

But there is going to be a transaction fee so make sure that you are fully aware of the expenses before starting to purchase.

When we come to the first question that was at hand, can you buy Bitcoins at Walmart the answer is NO? They do not allow transactions through Bitcoins or they do not support the selling of Bitcoins in any of their stores. So, there is no way for you to get them from Walmart. It is important that you stick to the approved exchanges.

Or on the other hand, you can buy Bitcoins in person. You do not have to search for websites; all you have to do is find an ATM that allows Bitcoins transactions. In these ATMs, you will be able to get Bitcoins by trading with cash.

How do you get Bitcoins from mining

How do you get Bitcoins from mining

How do you get Bitcoins from mining?

First of all, let me say that this is a very painstaking, costly and a hardly rewarding method.

But if you have a knack for technology and hardworking you should definitely try this out.

Bitcoins are initially mined from units called blocks and it is the way that any Bitcoin is first made.

To become a Bitcoin miner, you will have to have either a GPU (graphics processing unit) miner or an ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit) miner.

As a miner, you will be given puzzles to solve which includes the transactions that have been made in the past. You will be required to sort out the errors in the current flow and the transparency of the function.

The first to get an accurate solution will be paid. Considering the number of people that are actually involved in the process the probability of getting payment is very less.

So, should you get started with bitcoins?

Well, now you know everything that is there to know about Bitcoins. You know how to earn them and how to get them for free. Well, we have even discussed the methods that you can purchase them.

So, as we have literally discussed everything on how to get Bitcoin we have come to the end of the article.

There are people who believe that this is good as well as people who are bad. But it is all up to you to decide whether you should get started with one of these methods and start your own Bitcoin wallet or not.

Anyways, since the world is moving towards development and is finding ways to digitalize everything, we should consider this as an improvement in the way of living rather than seeing it as a threat.


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