What is TraDove | Hello TraDove public and welcome!

TraDove,Today there are so many social networking sites which focused on business to business marketing; TraDove Inc. is one of them.

Why TraDove? 

tradave1TraDove Introduction:

“TraDove”, Inc is located at Palo AltoCaliforniaUnited States. Tradove is a token based B2B trade platform. Tradove tackle the data irregularity issues in B2B and make it more straightforward and reliable utilizing piece chain and informal community innovation. TraDove’s stage likewise takes into consideration organization to-organization accuracy showcasing over the Internet, another multi-billion dollar business opportunity.


TraDove Founder:

Kent Yan


Kent Yan: Founder and CEO TraDove • Worked at @Deutsche Bank@PepsiCo • Studied at @Massachusetts Institute of Technology@Mit Sloan School Of Management & Imd




TRaDove Mission:

“To Connects professional as facebook and linkedin connects”

Advantages of Using Tradove:

Following are the few of Tradove advantages, they are providing to their users:

  • The largest and fastest growing B2B Global Buyer-Seller networking service.
  • Tra-Dove reduce the cycles for corporate purchasers and merchants to locate each other.
  • Tra-Dove is trustworthy source for business men, Tra-Dove allows for B2B precision advertising over the social media, using blockchain andsocial network technology.
  • TraDove is fully aware about all the challenges faced by businesses in today’s market.

  Provide appropriate information about your every concern, answer various questions

  Stay up to date with market.

  Enhance seller administration with existing providers

  Talk about common interest with providers and different purchasers

  Find material and different assets to deliver what you give

  Get references, audits, and proposals for yourself and potential clients.

 Future Plans:

TraDove , Inc.will also planning use blockchain token BBCoin to provide a better payment instrument for international trade.

TraDove Users:

TraDove currently have 250K+ corporate users worldwide. Founding teams come from Stanford, MIT, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, LinkedIn, Salesforce and SAP. Our current investors and backers include an MIT professor, former CFO of Morgan Stanley, former CEO of Bank of America, former CEO of Siemens, Inc., former Group VP of GM, etc.

Few of Major Companies includes



Future Planning:

TraDove launches its recruitment campaign and planning to continue it throughout this New Year as well with working on data collection reliability. TraDove is also planning to launch of the development of the automated system for gathering and analyzing the information and development of different applications along with working on its improvement.


Being a user of TraDove implies imparting data about yourself to different specialists, speaking with them, and in addition working secretly without anyone else. As a matter of course, your record is set up to share the data that we have discovered most by far of our Users are occupied with sharing. Be that as it may, the sum and sort of data you choose to share, and with whom you share it, is dependent upon you.

For More Details and Join Token Sale  : Click Here

Post By Anton De Mel




One Response

  1. 79Cortez 11th December 2018

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