What is Megatron? The Rise of Blockchain Revolution

What is Megatron

What is Megatron?


The Emergence of the Blockchain Revolution is here. The future of Blockchain, Start creating your-next generation blocks. 

Global mode of exchange expressly tailored for start-ups, businessmen, and small enterprises. The crypto industry can sound like mischief, but they are all set to change that. Their large team of realistic developers strives to build the most sustainable ecosystem for transactions in a clean, stable, and flexible environment! 

Money comes at a risk, but they are asking you why to take the risk if it can be achieved safely!

Their Objectives


  • To provide the best possible protection for investments made with MTR. 
  • To push & produce revenues from their unique ventures that are capable of creating a reputation in the sector. 
  • Ensure zero consumer abuse or interference from third parties in some form and reach full consumer loyalty. 
  • Their blockchain platform allows use of decentralized cryptocurrencies, operating on TRC20 the most robust and safe source of blockchain technology.

At MTR, they have a whole new system. They respect the credibility of transactions to ensure end-to-end secure transactions using the most stable, effective, and secure type of currency.



LATOKEN is a fast-growing crypto exchange based on emerging token liquidity. It has the biggest IEO business with 160 IEOs since 2017 and major digital asset exchange, advancing protection token markets. 

LATOKEN strives to be the world’s leading global asset exchange and to bring financial life at its fingertips. Venture capitalists looking for financing can profit from LATOKEN IEO Launchpad.

MTR Token Features and Benefits


1) Sustainable Demand & Growth: Launching New items at frequent intervals, building confidence from existing consumers, which helps to raise demand for tokens. All this contributes to a gradual rise in the volume of the MTR tokens. 

2) All in All Protection: The end-to-end with extremely protected security for all transactions. All payments related operations are unchanged as a consequence of the usage of BlockChain technologies. 

3) Interest-Free Exchange: Revoked the interest rates one has to pay for the sale of MTR tokens. Using their attractive trading strategy to transform these tokens to your preferred type of cryptocurrency.

4) Quick Withdrawals: A framework that incorporates the User wallet into their exchange, thereby providing a clever, seamless, and speedier withdrawal of tokens. Hassle-free and time-efficient transfers all the way. 

5) Anonymized Users: All members in the framework are de-identified. A safe and unrevealed identification mechanism for participants that underpins the concept of confidentiality by anonymity. 

6) Spend your Way tokens: MTR tokens that can be used by your selection of sites to compensate for the services you have given or the items you are looking to buy. Using it to purchase your own items, tokens that pay for you.

Megatron Token Allocation

Token Distribution


  • 13 percent of the tokens are sold to buyers during the ICO. 
  • 27 percent of our tokens are assigned to IEO (Initial exchange offering) 
  • 10% of the tokens are distrusted for Policy Collaborator & Market Stabilization Advisory. 
  • 10% tokens are assigned to the creator (key of one year) 
  • 5 percent of the tokens are allocated for Referral, during a token sale, a referral session will be conducted. Done for the promotion and advertisement of the project. 
  • 5 percent tokens are allocated to developers and can be available for potential airdrops. 
  • 20% of the tokens would be Contingency Funds for Disaster Preparedness 
  • 10% of the tokens are allocated to Angel Round to fund industry start-ups.

They give top priority to security


System Protection can be assured by the implementation of unique protocols, daily network testing-Vulnerability Evaluation & Management, fuzzing & other required digital payment compliance requirements to be followed in line with International Standards. Network penetration monitoring will be performed daily to ensure digital protection and preserve the data privacy of consumers.

Megatron Team

Megatron Partners

For More Details About Megatron :


Website: https://megatron.site
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MegaTron_MTR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MegaTron01010
Telegram Group: https://t.me/MegaTron_Global
Whitepaper: https://megatron.site/pdf/Megatron_Official_Whitepaper.pdf

#MegaTron #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #ethereum #cryptocurrencies #fintech #IEO #initialexchangeoffering

Article by Anton De Mel

Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1527292
AUTH: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5311721.msg56240079#msg56240079

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