Blackbox Project | A decentralized platform to manage the future of work.

What is BlackBox

Technology has progressed at breakneck speed especially in the 21st century with the world witnessing a change in thinking towards the possibilities of the virtual world. However, businesses are dominated by traditional organizations that believe in hierarchy, precedence, and subjectivity. These organizations that have existed for years have resulted in a disinterested workforce and inefficient practices. This is often because the necessary tools are often expensive, repeated and siloed in the hands of a few.

The Blackbox Operating System (BBOS) is a flexible and evolving operating system that is designed with the intention of automating the administrative and connective issues of an organization. This will provide the needed interface to handle any issues that arise from shifting to electronic and smart contracts from paper contracts.

Blackbox OS

BBOS is a next-generation token operating software to manage distributed companies, projects and teams on the blockchain network. Composed of smart contracts and decentralized data storage, BBOS built on Ethereum is a DApp or distributed app that looks to eliminate duplicity, improve collaboration and distribute rewards equitably. The BBOS serves contributors, organizations and token holders collectively called the BBOS Network.

BlackBox System

BBOS consists of configurable models – that provide instant services and products – that can be loaded to your organization via the marketplace. Once an organization joins the network it becomes a participating operative which can interoperate with other operatives or token holders through the BBOS network.
Powered by the BBOS token all decisions taken are consensus-driven and a certain behavior is enforced on all participants.

BBOS is centered on the POV or Proof of Value consensus protocol that rewards users appropriately for their skills and services. The Proposal module focusses on project and task management using the concept of DVP – Deliverable Value Points which rewards contributors for the actual value they add. This in collaboration with the POV ensures appropriate compensation with reduced costs.

DVP is a metric that reflects the value of any deliverable based on skills needed and estimated effort at a fair market rate allowing for adjustments and attractiveness. This reduces errors, duplications, and misaligned search results.

POV is a bottom-up algorithm that shows total value based on the contributor’s quality, work, role, and responsibilities. It creates an automatic work based compensation system that ensures fair rewards based only on contribution to the task.

BBOS focusses on 5 factors:

Governance – Streamline consensus so all levels of employees have a say in project development.
Compensation – Fair compensation for value delivered leading to higher engagement.
Identity – BBOS drives recommendations, compensates appropriately and provides good estimates.
Management – Quantify information and improve feedback mechanism in order to achieve goals.
Security – Resilience to malicious behavior due to both internal and external factors.


Built on the Ethereum platform with smart contracts for governance, it also uses IPFS for distributed file storage. This harnesses the power of the blockchain and focusses on efficiency and performance.
IPFS acts as a backend that stores assets through a set of hosted nodes. IBPS is used because it’s decentralized, asymmetrically encrypted and easy to implement.

Data Storage Layer

The Hub and storage model is used with search requests passed to each node and a result returned on matching. Authority results contain credible and relevant information with hubs being pages that hold links to these authorities. With the increase in the size of the network, total costs increase which are managed by an added apply-on fee.

Computation Layer

BBOS model relies on being able to retrieve result and proof but also being able to verify this with computational power significantly less than required to find the result.


Once a threshold for transaction volume is crossed transactions are divided into blocks to ease computations and ensure stability.


Contributions that add value are rewarded with reputation points which incentivize users to perform better and engage the community by completing tasks.

BBOS Protocol

Application Layer – Proposed Template – Value Points – Voting – Statement of Work – Project Management – Proof of Value – Token Distribution

This is based on the principles of AI teaching AI, value creation, quality review, full automation, consensus and liquidity


Module Marketplace

This the place where all modules in the BBOS are available to collectives in the ecosystem. With more robust governance this becomes a decentralized market where modules are offered a~ la carte and are easily integrated. Contributors are contributed fairly through licensing.

Proposal Module was the first module built. It works in a simple cyclic manner. The client sends out a proposal which is subject to expert verification. After obtaining a consensus from experts, the proposal is approved and matched with the team and execution. The next step is the Deliverables and the payout back to the client.

Skills are defined as a the ability to perform a general task in the BBOS network.
All holders can submit a proposal but external factors require a certain fee.
Voting is through liquid governance with the community voting on rewards.
Reviews are performed by experts who are incentivized for their skills and services.


Transparent – Proposal require voting for approval by internal and external holders who can view proposals and provide feedback as well.
Accuracy – The blockchain’s distributed ledger and decentralized storage allow for accurate and immutable data.
Clear Expectations – Since all details are agreed upon through consensus there can be no disappointments or variation in expected results or rewards.
AI Module

Battle-hardened methodologies, AI services and lightweight components that result in wins for all. Easy to add, build and remove modules and services in the ecosystem.

HR Module

This model is built through experiences obtained by working with a decentralized team of employees and clients across the world. It automates onboarding and offboarding and eases personnel management.

Discovery Module

Nables discovery and match-making between collectives and proposals by promoting interoperability. This ensures that cross organization working becomes frictionless.


Phishing – Social engineering and an increase in the manipulation of details.
51% Attack – This is when a majority of the training pool confirms a false transaction, a result of centralization. This can be prevented through token allocation.
Endpoint Vulnerabilities – Errors at endpoints where users and blockchain meet. Countered through scalability.
Public and Private keys – Data is not accessible without keys but if they fall into wrong hands data is vulnerable to corruption. Handled using anti-viruses.
Vendor risks – Dependencies cause errors and risks but this can be countered through a strict vetting process.


The team at Blackbox is led by founders Jason J Sosa and Benjamin Stewart, both experienced professionals in venture capitalism and blockchain engineering respectively. The team also consist of experienced and talented members specializing in fields like IoT, AI, and support engineering. The Blackbox team is advised by old hands like Suniel Mishra and Cassandra Harris, both with experience in building rewarding organizations with customer satisfaction.

BlackBox Team

BlackBox Supporters

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Post By Anton De Mel
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1770640



  1. Milagro 11th December 2018
  2. DevinJuicy 11th December 2018

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