What is CUBE | Benefits of CUBE Token Sale ( CUBE ICO )


The no of autonomous car users are increasing daily. Within next five years it’s expected to be increased up to $1.7 trillion. The main concentration comes with autonomous car usage is security. Autonomous car uses communication and information technology. Communication could be inter-communication or intra communication. Inter-communication consists of navigation information, traffic information, vehicle to vehicle data, etc. Intra communication consists of Electric Central Unit, Break Central Unit, Wheel control unit, etc.  It should be connected with the network to get information required from the above channels for its operations. So any point of time the system can be hacked. Still there is no any software or system developed against this problem.

CUBE comes with a solution to this issue. CUBE is a blockchain based artificial intelligent system which ensures the security of Autonomous vehicles. CUBE has been developed using 3 layers.

  1. Blockchain Layer

It’s very difficult to hack a blockchain. Blockchain consists of no of data bases. Blockchain can’t be hacked unless all the data bases are been hacked at the same time. So the blockchain technology ensures the trust.

  1. Artificial Intelligent Layer

Artificial intelligence provides a defensive approach of security. This technology tries to avoid any treat instead of reacting to them.


  1. Quantum Hashing Cryptography Layer

This layer will provide an important opportunity to ensure higher level security by using simple hash technology. CUBE planning to commence this layer in 2022.

Basically CUBE is a blockchain based artificial intelligent platform, which provides security for autonomous vehicles.

CUBE has introduced their own token system, which is different from other token systems. They expect to sale 72,000,000 tokens in total. Out of that 12,960,000 and 25,920,000 would be allocated for pre sale and public sale respectively. The pre sale is now open. It would be closed on 15th February and Public sale would be started from 16th February 2018.

The funds collecting through token distribution would be allocated for the platform development in this way.

  • 60% for Core development of the platform
  • 30% each for operation, marketing and security
  • Remaining 10% would be allocated equally for legal compliance and sales

As said earlier CUBE doesn’t work like other tokens. It’s different. This is not just a transaction tool.

  • The value of tokens would get increased when the CUBE’s revenue increases.
  • CUBE users have the ability to use tokens in offline shops as well. CUBE guarantees that the use of tokens in offline shops from 2018.

The CUBE tem has planned their next 12 months with a specific goal for each month. Some of them are as follows.

January – Pre ICO – has been started already

February – Regular ICO – Starting from 16th of February

March – List at Exchange market

April – Contract with well known related companies

May – Launching OTA 1.0 version

June – Completing blockchain layer

October – Completing AI Layer


CUBE has been deploying a competent team and advisors. Here is a brief explanation on very few of them.

Shin Hun Cheol works as standing advisor. He was reported at Fobes as one of forty eight heroes of philanthropy.

Dr Bong H. Lee has been working as an IT professional in automotive field for 15 years.  He works as the chairman for CUBE.

Dr. Jae Sung Lee works as the CEO for CUBE.

Geon H. Lee is the in charge of CUBE’s AI development. He has worked as a researcher at ETRI for 15 years.

Otherthan that team consist of talented, young professionals specialized in different areas.

More Details CUBE Token Sale : Click Here

CUBE White Paper : Click Here

Post by Anton De Mel

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